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205020 Tactile sensing with accelerometers in prehensile grippers for robots


Several pneumatic grippers with accelerometers attached to their fingers have been developed and tested. The first gripper is able to classify the hardness of different cylinders, estimate the pneumatic pressure, monitor the position and speed of the gripper fingers, and study the phases of the action of grasping and the influence of the relative position between the gripper and the cylinders. The other grippers manipulate and assess the firmness of eggplants and mangoes. To achieve a gentle manipulation, the grippers employ fingers with several degrees of freedom in different configurations and have a membrane filled with a fluid that allows their hardness to be controlled by means of the jamming transition of the granular fluid inside it. To assess the firmness of eggplants and mangoes and avoid the influence of the relative position between product and gripper, the firmness is estimated while the products are being held by the fingers. Better performance of the accelerometers is achieved when the finger employs the granular fluid. The article presents methods for designing grippers capable of assessing the firmness of irregular products with accelerometers. At the same time, it also studies the possibilities that accelerometers, attached to different pneumatic robot gripper fingers, offer as tactile sensors.


Carlos Blanes, Martin Mellado, Pablo Beltrán


Tactile sensing, Gripper, Grasp contact, Hardness, Pick and place, Accelerometer

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تعداد اعضای آنلاین : 0

تعداد کل اعضای کنسرسیوم : 1728

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